We are so excited to welcome like-hearted people into our Community! Here we are FREE to love each other and stand together for life's most precious journey! For fun introduce yourself with an acronym (a word with the first letters describing you!) Then give us a paragraph about you and a fun photo. Your post will be available on the Community Conversations page to the public so you might not want to post personal info here.
Betsy Wiersma, Creator Art on Purpose
B Bouncy positive energy
O Organizer for FUN and frolic
L Loving to God, my family and family of choice and the world
D Dedicated to serve every day
Betsy Wiersma is a first class girl scout who leads others to Do Good and Have fun! She plays in the world as a pubic speaker, podcaster, artistist and maker, mom, yoga student and friend to many Sisters. Her passion is Art on Purpose which she wears, teaches and celebrates. Betsy is the creator of the CampExperience Network and Art on Purpose.

Carol is a Poet, Author, Wife, Mother, Grandmother of two Amazing Granddaughter (13 and 11), who believes that doing positive things every day has the potential to change the world for the better. She loves meditation, working out, writing and editing, travel and nature, and connecting with family and friends who are amused by the fact that to Carol no one is a stranger and even the smallest gesture can uplift and create positive moments for all involved. Carol and her husband Mike co-coach their granddaughters All-Girls Robotics Team who have thus far had a very successful season in both the Regional and State Competitions. As a result, they have been invited to an International Competition in Daytona Beach, Florida. Her goal in her poetry and writing is to uplift, inspire, and bring joy to others. She strives through connecting with others to create a more fulfilling life and a better world for all. For more about Carol, visit her website: https://www.carolcalkins.com/