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3 min read
Believe In Miracles
Nature, Tree Hugging, Healing and a Successful Mountain Trek….Expect Miracles Thank you for all of your prayers and love for my...

Betsy Wiersma
2 min read
What Will You Trust?
I am embarking on a huge journey for me….the journey to total trust. I have been pretty good at “letting go and letting God.” And now I...

Betsy Wiersma
3 min read
Celebration, Praise and Heartfelt Words: We Can Do Hard Things
Happy 2023. What a blessing it is to be alive, in America and able to have conversations about our ideas, dreams and desires. As a Betsy...

Betsy Wiersma
4 min read
All Is Good….Or Not?
Rebecca left her life in Denver, sold her home, bought a home in Kansas City and is off to Portugal to work with her new...
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