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Writer's pictureBetsy Wiersma

All Is Good….Or Not?

  • Rebecca left her life in Denver, sold her home, bought a home in Kansas City and is off to Portugal to work with her new business partners

  • I left my basement studio and created art on a balcony in Hawaii

  • I turned into a “product model” showing the many uses of my Art on Purpose Infinity Scarf.

Changing your ideas changes your world! And most of the time change works…right?

It is Spring and time that many things are coming alive. I just love seeing the buds on the trees and the flowers peeking out of the ground. As a walker, it is wonderful to get out and get moving without so many layers of clothing. Isn’t it interesting that 45 degrees is cold in the Fall and feels HOT on a sunny Spring day?

I have a book in me and I have not taken the time to focus on it. It is a bud still under the surface. The working title of the book is Or Not…Two Words That Change Everything.

I want to try this idea on you my VIP List and see if it can help you on your journey.

The thought behind “Or Not” is that in any moment, we have the power to change. This is the power to discern what “is working” and what is not.

And then you get to boldly do what works and discard the “story” that we are stuck with what does not. And there is also some magic in the process. Here is how it works for me.

I have this new adventure called Art on Purpose which is my clothing and accessories built to uplift and inspire. This super-fun project is full of new for me: new opportunities, new relationships, new dreams and new plans to find my art’s place in the world. That is what I know for sure… and possible!

Now here is what I do not know……EVERYTHING ELSE! So I am blessed to sell my Art on Purpose in The Shop at the Denver Museum of Art, and because of that fact I have set forth on the focus of selling to other Museum Stores. With this possibility, I have put all of my Betsyness into a plan:

  • I joined the national Museum Store Association

  • I created a new to greet my new prospects and John has programmed the responses to interest

  • I have a free Denver Art Gift in exchange for contact info

  • I invested in an ad in the Museum Store magazine and am active on the Association committees for the upcoming convention

  • I created a Pick Box for new wholesale customers to try 12 items for 30 days and send back what they do not sell

  • I donated an auction item and have designed an art postcard as an activity for the big party

  • PLUS I have 5 darling collectable Colorado Betsy art stickers and a new business card ready for connecting new friends back to my website.

Now that all seems great right. And I cannot wait to serve my new Museum friends. And I have done all I can to make my Art on Purpose brand easy to review and showcase my mission for art to save the world. This will work right?

Or Not…..The Magic of Letting Go and Letting God

Now is the important and scary and magic part. I have to work my plan and Let GO! I have no control of the outcome of all of this effort. I just know that my intention is to give it my best and TRY! It is this world of selling to Museums is new and I am an outsider to the world of Museum Stores. And God has got this. One of two things are for sure: It will work OR NOT work. And what happens will be my clue!

Or Not is OK

I am hopeful for some new clients and friends. I will be an active and supportive participant at the MSA Convention and a good committee member. My donations of time and products will make a difference. And my plan is in God’s hands. This “attraction” of clients is a new style that is much different from the “hard driving” and frantic run through my younger years. I spent my 20s through 50s actively seeking all opportunities and never resting in fear of missing something great. I now know that I am exactly where I am meant to be and if I relax and listen, God has got the plan. I can be successful with my efforts….OR NOT and then I can change and refocus. Nothing is bad or wrong. Life is a series of work OR NOT work!

How Can Or Not Free You to Try Something New?

  • Start with a desired result for something NEW? New product, new idea, new opportunity. Be clear of “what is success” for your idea

  • Brainstorm 10 action steps toward your goal. Pick 3 or 4 that you are most excited about and write them in order of importance.

  • Make a budget and timeline to match your plan. My investment in the efforts to find Museum Store clients is about $3000 and my time.

  • Just Do It! Work your plan with positive energy and intention for success.

  • Release control to God. Pray for His will. Know you are doing your best and the trust journey is the important part. Breathe!

  • Experience the results: It Works! Do more of it. It Does Not Work! Change things up and try again OR NOT

The final Or Not is your power to end the game and STOP the madness. We are not stuck. Change is good and we can just STOP. Amen and amen!

What are you waiting for? Do you have an idea that wants to bloom? Spring s a magic time of rebirth. Get started on something great…..OR NOT!

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